Over 60 Years of Combined Experience In personal injury Law
Legal Help For Victims Of Elder Abuse
When a child learns that a parent is being abused in a nursing home,
or by a caregiver in his or own house, the first reaction is guilt. Another common reaction is disbelief. People have difficulty accepting that a facility charged with the care of our most vulnerable citizens can turn a blind eye to abusive behavior.
Sadly, elderly abuse is often a fact of life in nursing homes and other places where the elderly live. Elderly residents are often neglected, leading to the development of pressure sores, dehydration, and malnutrition.
Neglect is insidious and something that a casual visitor might not notice until the situation becomes critical. Abuse, on the other hand, is readily visible if you know where to look.
At the law firm of Peach & Weathers, In Redlands and Riverside, our attorneys have more than 60 years of combined experience helping people recover compensation from negligent parties.
We Represent Victims And Family Members In All Types Of Abuse Claims
California law has evolved to include special provisions to protect seniors from abuse. We have helped people suffering from:
Physical Abuse -
Symptoms of this type of abuse include unexplained bruises, welts, black eyes, cuts, burns, and broken bones. Family members should stay alert to sudden changes in behavior or the refusal of a caretaker to let a family member visit an elderly person alone
Sexual abuse -
Symptoms may include bloody clothing, venereal disease or infections, and genital pain or itching. Family members may find it hard to believe that an elderly person can be the victim of sexual abuse. Unfortunately, it happens more than we realize.
Emotional Abuse -
Signs may include fearful behavior, agitation, withdrawal, and other unusual behaviors. These symptoms may also accompany physical and sexual abuse, which has an emotional component.
Financial exploitation -
Sudden and unexplained withdrawals, an unusual change in a will or trust, or the disappearance of valuable possessions should set off warning bells.
If you suspect any of these forms of abuse,
contact an attorney or the police right away. You can rest assured that we will get to the bottom of the matter, securing compensation for your family member and sending a message that abuse of the elderly is not acceptable.