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SB, Redlands 

Redlands | Riverside
Birth Injury Attorneys

Over 60 Years of Combined Experience In
personal injury Law
When a baby is born with injuries, parents grieve for what could have been. When those injuries were caused by medical malpractice that could have been prevented, parents need a sensitive and thorough explanation of their options and their rights. For more than 30 years the law firm of Peach & Weathers, in Redlands and Riverside, has been helping people recover compensation for injuries sustained because of negligence. Our attorneys have helped many parents after the birth of a child injured during pregnancy, labor, or delivery.
Many injuries to babies are the result of a disruption of oxygen to the brain. Children who have suffered oxygen loss have conditions such as cerebral palsy, and other serious conditions. Some of these children will never be able to care for themselves. We help families obtain the resources needed to care for the child for as long as necessary.

We Help Parents Obtain The Resources They Will Need To Care For A Child Injured At Birth

A birth injury can be the result of many acts of negligence or misconduct on the part of the obstetrician, nurse, or hospital. We have seen significant birth injuries caused by:
Failure to perform a C-section in a timely way
Failure to monitor
Misuse of anesthesia during labor and delivery
Misuse of vacuum extractor or forceps
Failure to use manipulation techniques when baby is stuck in birth canal

These and other instances of negligence and misconduct cause injuries to infants, often leaving them disabled for life.

Our skilled lawyers have the resources and knowledge to help parents get the compensation they need to give their child as full a life as possible.
We employ medical specialists and other experts to build a strong case for compensation that can address, in part, the many problems the child will experience. While we hope for the best and that your baby's injuries can be reversed, it is imprudent not to plan for a the worst outcome. Our experts will help depict that harsh reality in the courtroom so that you are compensated not just for the current medical care for your baby, but for future care as well.
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