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December 11, 2017
What are the leading medical errors making patients sicker?

What are the leading medical errors making patients sicker? We all think of a hospital as a place where patients go to be treated and cared for. While this is very much true, it is also true that some patients end up worse off after a hospital visit or stay. Although this could be simply […]

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October 20, 2017
Study indicates electronic health records claims have increased

Study indicates electronic health records claims have increased Technology is helpful in a wide variety of atmospheres and industries. When patients are admitted to the hospital, it is likely that they are encountered with numerous forms of technology in order to aid medical professionals and treat the patient to the best of their abilities. However, […]

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October 12, 2017
The rate of medication errors has doubled since 2000

The rate of medication errors has doubled since 2000 At one point or another, residents in California and other states across the nation will fall ill. Whether it is a minor or major health issue, medical providers will prescribe their patients specific medications to treat or address the ailment or disease. While this is an […]

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August 24, 2017
Who can be held responsible for a birth trauma?

Who can be held responsible for a birth trauma? When bringing a new little one into the world, parents often focus on the joys of this event. While doctors will prepare mothers about potential complications and issues that could occur during labor and delivery, she will likely still focus on the positive and disregard the […]

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August 18, 2017
Helping harmed patient navigate a medical malpractice suit

Helping harmed patient navigate a medical malpractice suit When we are injured or become ill, we are likely to visit our doctor or the emergency department. Because medical professional have years of education, training and experience, we rely on them to properly diagnose us and treat us. However, doctors and surgeons are people, just like […]

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July 27, 2017
Miscounting occurs in surgeries more often than you think

Miscounting occurs in surgeries more often than you think Whether it is a scheduled routine surgery or an emergency surgery, patients in California and elsewhere often have many concerns regarding the procedure they are about to undergo. While a highly trained and educated surgeon will conduct them, these medical professionals are still humans that are […]

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July 21, 2017
Study: Medication error rate unchanged after 10 years

Study: Medication error rate unchanged after 10 years While the medical industry continues to advance and certain careers become more specialized, there is not an amount of training and education that will completely rid the occupation of errors and mistakes. While this may be due to the fact that doctors and surgeons are humans, thus […]

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June 23, 2017
Common medical errors that have serious consequences

Common medical errors that have serious consequences According to relatively recent statistics, over 200,000 people across the country die in hospitals each year due some sort of preventable medical malpractice. Many more, about 4 million patients, suffer a worsened condition or further injuries because of the mistakes of doctors and other medical professionals. While no […]

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May 18, 2017
California's compensation cap in medical malpractice cases

California's compensation cap in medical malpractice cases When people in Riverside go to the doctor, they expect that they will be given a correct and prompt diagnosis of any medical problems and also get appropriate care. After all, they pay big bucks for medical care either directly or in the form wage withholdings for premium. […]

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April 14, 2017
We pierce through murky medical malpractice cases

We pierce through murky medical malpractice cases Although Riverside, California, residents go to a doctor and other medical professionals expecting to get better, in many cases, this never happens. In some cases, a treatment or procedure may go wrong and actually leave the patient in a worsened condition or, in the worst cases, even kill […]

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