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Why you should see a doctor right away after an accident

If you hear of someone becoming injured in a car accident, you might imagine the type of mangled car wreck you hope you will never experience in your lifetime. However, serious collisions are not the only ones that can result in injuries. You and other Californians may suffer from long-lasting injuries after even a minor fender bender.

When another driver sideswipes or rear-ends your vehicle, the last thing on your mind is getting checked out by a doctor. After all, you are probably looking at weeks of phone calls with your insurance agent and body shop. However, you may not want to be so quick to dismiss a checkup. Minor car accidents, especially rear-end crashes, often result in injuries such as whiplash, which may cause chronic pain and other worrisome symptoms. You might feel OK immediately after a minor crash, only to feel stiff, sore and dizzy a day or two later. It is important to see your doctor to rule out soft tissue injuries, fractures or a concussion, which may require additional treatment to prevent ongoing complications.

If you are still planning to put off seeing your doctor, be sure to make an appointment right away if you notice the following symptoms:

A persistent headache, confusion or “brain fog,” difficulty concentrating, memory loss or unexplainable changes in mood
Pain, tenderness, redness or swelling in any area of your body
Soreness, stiffness and loss of mobility in your neck and shoulders
Tingling or numbness in your arms or hands
The injuries stemming from a minor crash may seem irritating at worst, but if you let them go without treatment, they may worsen over time or simply not get any better. Seeing your doctor may give you the peace of mind knowing the extent of your injuries, as well as the ability to choose your treatment options and raise your chances of a full and fast recovery.

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