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9 Summer Boating Safety Tips You Should Know

9 Boating Safety Tips You Should Know

Summer is the season for rivers, lakes, oceans, and every other type of body of water! When the summer sun beats down, there is no better place to be. But, while there is endless fun to be had on your water vessel of choice, boating of all sorts can pose several dangers. That’s why it’s essential to take the necessary safety precautions. And in the unfortunate case that your summer fun ends in an accident, make sure to seek out legal assistance.

Boating Injury Lawsuit:

Several boating scenarios might end in injury or even death. The most common of these include boats colliding with one another or with a submerged object, and boats colliding with a serious wake or wave. In the case of a boating accident, federal law requires that the boat operator or owner file a boating accident report with their according state. Accidents that require such a report include instances of someone dying, disappearing, requiring medical treatment beyond first aid or resulting in property damage exceeding $2,000.

This report can then be used in a personal injury lawsuit. In the case that you face a boating lawsuit, you will be required to prove negligence on the part of the boat owner(s) or operator(s) involved. The economic and non-economic damages you may recover include medical bills, lost income, as well as pain and suffering.

Staying Safe on Your Boat:

According to the US Coast Guard, hundreds of lives are lost, and thousands are injured, and millions of dollars in property damage are lost, each year to preventable boating accidents. Though these numbers are quite staggering, there are several ways in which you can enhance the safety of yourself and your passengers. Check out these safety tips and make sure to implement them the next time you hit the water!

Kids in lifejackets in a boat
9 Safety Tips: 
  1. Take a boating course so to become familiar with the rules of the water. These inexpensive courses are offered locally and frequently. Within just one day, you will be trained to maintain the safety of yourself and your passengers while boating.
  2. Always take note of the weather and make decisions accordingly. Never underestimate the power of a storm and err on the side of caution.
  3. Know the nautical rules. These include keeping a proper lookout and abiding by navigational aids such as buoys.
  4. Have a second-in-command. Make sure that you have someone on board who is familiar with all aspects of boating and can take over in an emergency.
  5. Never consume alcohol while operating a boat. Not only is this illegal, but it is also the cause for nearly half of all boating accidents. When your abilities are impaired in some way, you are far more likely to cause harm.
  6. Be aware of carbon monoxide dangers. Make sure that fresh air continuously circulates throughout the boat. Know the signs of CO poisoning and what to do in this emergency.
  7. Never swim in the marina. Stray power from the shore can create electrical shock near parked boats. So, be sure to stay away from this water.
  8. Make sure that everyone in your boat keeps their distance from the engine. The boat operator should keep a particular watch near the propellers if any of their passengers are in the water while being towed.
  9. Always wear a life jacket. The US Coast Guard estimates that lifejackets could prevent nearly 80% of boating fatalities. And make sure they are on before the instance of an accident.

In the height of summer, there’s no better place to be than on the water. But while you soak up the July sun, take precautions. Ensure boating safety in all aspects and enjoy this boating season accident-free! If, however, you or a loved one becomes injured in a boating-related incident, do not hesitate to call on us at Peach and Weathers for your expert legal guidance and counsel. We are here for your advocacy and protection this summer.

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