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July 6, 2017
Helping you assert your rights in a products liability claim

Helping you assert your rights in a products liability claim In today's society, it is difficult for residents in California and elsewhere to get through their day without the help of various consumer goods. Whether it is a household item, a tool or a motor vehicle, individuals rely on these items to perform specific tasks. […]

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June 30, 2017
Navigating a product recall

Navigating a product recall A pervious post on this blog discussed how product recalls work. The most important thing Riverside residents should take from that post is the fact that a product got recalled does not have a Riverside resident the right to compensation other than a refund or a replaced or repaired product. In […]

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June 9, 2017
Overview of a product recall

Overview of a product recall Many residents of Riverside, California, have probably heard of product recalls, especially when one of them gets announced through the news media. However, even if a Californian winds up having to take a product back for a repair or refund, they might understand exactly how the matter got to that […]

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May 12, 2017
What is 'strict liability' in a defective products case?

What is 'strict liability' in a defective products case? Unlike other personal injury cases, which are usually "negligence" cases, personal injury cases involving defective products are decided under what is called a strict liability standard. Many decades ago, California was actually a pioneer state in establishing this legal standard for product liability cases. As the […]

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April 24, 2017
The 3 causes of defective products

The 3 causes of defective products Personal injury claims encompass more than just motor vehicle accidents and premises liability. They also include products liability, which is when a defective product leads to injury. Defective merchandise can come from even high-quality companies, as you may be aware from the product recalls you hear about in the […]

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February 13, 2017
Alert: Maserati recall for 39,381 vehicles in North America

Alert: Maserati recall for 39,381 vehicles in North America Maserati, a luxury car manufacturer from Italy, issued a recall to its North American division. Maserati is known for designing luxury cars with the sport-car bent in function, design, and output. Maserati issued the recall after it discovered two separate defects that could result in fires. […]

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January 31, 2017
Surgical blankets cause surgical site infections

Surgical blankets cause surgical site infections Bair Hugger is a manufacturer that produces heating blankets for patients. The blankets work by forcing hot air under a disposable blanket, keeping the patient warm. Unfortunately, over 900 plaintiffs allege that this process is easily contaminated and resulted in numerous surgical site infections. This post will go over […]

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